
  • I’d like to think that around 7 years ago, that was the peak of my career (and perhaps my adult life, even). At that time I was already almost 1 year working at the tertiary hospital. At that time I was the senior medical officer, helming a critical and delicate subspecialty – cardiology. Yeah, work…

  • Rekod perubatan seseorang pesakit, disimpan selama tujuh tahun sebelum dilupuskan. Cerita ini, berlaku lebih tujuh tahun lalu. Cerita ini, aku pendam dan menjadi mimpi aku selama tujuh tahun. Hari ini, aku kongsikan di sini. Luahkan. Aku taknak cerita aku viral atau mencetuskan masalah. So aku rasa, share kat blog ni ok la kot. Mana ada…

  • <a href="“>In my last post, I revealed a potential vulnerability I discovered on PADU, a Malaysian government database site. This discovery has attracted attention from several media houses. This post serves as an archive to store and log those reports for future reference and personal use. (English, Online Portal) URL : <a href="“> Screen…

  • Yesterday, the government of Malaysia officially launched a digital initiative “PADU” (Pangkalan Data Utama = Central Database Site), which aims to serve as a platform for every citizens of Malaysia to store/report their personal details, such as educational and employment backgrounds, household status, disabilities, tax reliefs etc. It is said to be used as a…

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