
Ketika tengah bosan2 sekejap tadi..

Speedtest - 67 Words
Speedtest – 67 Words

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Gi test korang punye speed pulak! Pastu vote result korang kat sini.

7 responses to “Sengal..”

  1. Wah not bad. Laju ko type :S Scary. Haha. Tak de mistake lansung. Congrats. Check blog aku tengok speed aku pulak :P

    OMG! *respek*

  2. ummm…
    memang dh sesat pnnnn

  3. ishhhh3.slpppp2
    ummmm memng dh trsesat dlm blog ni pnnn

  4. like me, only manage to get 43 per minute if im not mistaken, since i did that test few months ago.

    n u like fulmetal alchemist is it…hoho.

    yes, this is my first time in ur blog.

  5. huh…dasyat gak kaw ye!!caya la doktor kid..

  6. wahh..lajunya.secretarial students pun tak laju camni menaip. hehe. habis laju sangat 50WPM. ada la juga yang 80WPM tapi jarang2.

  7. You type 249 characters per minute
    You have 49 correct words and
    you have 1 wrong words

    hehe dapat camnii jee.. sape yg 80 pp per saat tu??

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