winter holiday…it’s another 2 months la kid~!

assalamualaikum, zdravstvuytye~!

hak2. it’s only at least 2 months away before our holiday winter yet I’ve already started to dream of myself having a vacation in the city of light, Paris~!

dunno why I’ve been so excited to go there, to Paris. i think it all began when i transited there during my first flight coming here last September. as i first stepped my foot on the French’s soil, i felt some sensation of urges, telling me that one day i will return here (with my love?) and i shall explore the city of light, having a sightseeing from the paris tour, embarking journey along the Da Vinci trail at the Louvre Museum, having fun with cartoon characters  in the Disneyland. There’s so much to do here which will surely leave a beautiful mark in my life~!!

haha, it’s a dream. but i ain’t gonna let it be just a dream, i’m going to make it a reality. and as for now, my plan begins by preparing some budgets. from my point of view (including some opinions from the seniors), 500USD would be a very tight-end budget for a 3 days holiday in Paris. So i decided to prepare at least 1000USD to enjoy there. The 1K USD would cover up almost everything, including flight fare, accommodations, tickets, transportations, foods and  souvenirs. Hope so.

So how am i going to save so that i would have that amount of money, in two months? well, my monthly allowance would only start at January, meaning i already have 500USD in my budget. Plus, currently i have 100USD in my hand, so that would sum up to 600USD. Ummm…when MARA is going to deposit our allowance? if they deposit it at least 2 weeks before the new months, meaning by 25th January i should have 1100USD in my account, which should be enough. But what if it doesn’t bank in yet by that time? I’ll be stranded with 600USD in Paris~!!

Another options is….the special FA&MA allowance. I’m sure if i bodek2 my father and mother, they would at least supplicate me with another 100 or might be 200 USD. Including that…would be..huhu..only 800USD at most?? Blargkh~!!

Surveying the flight fares…….
…………… least 250USD per person for return tickets
Surveying the accommodations prices…….
…………… hotels would get at least 50 euros (65USD) per night per person..
……………..youth hostel would get at least 30 euros per (40USD) night per person..
……………..hotel in Disneyland would get at least 1000 euros (700USD) for 3 nights for 5 person
Surveying tickets for Disneyland…
……………..package 2-day unlimited entries would get at least 90 euros (120USD) per person.
Surveying transportation methods…
……………..basic transportation would varies from as low as 10 euros per day per person.

So, the conclusion is… i must save up to at least 1000USD in order to survive for 3 days 2 nights in Paris, and to return to Nizhniy Novgorod, safely~!!!

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